With Dell monitors, it is often the case that the buyer agrees to a 2-year warranty on this product at the time of purchase, but that can vary. This is dependent on when you bought the monitor and what the warranty agreement was at the time that you bought it.

It is a win-win situation for all involved. People love how easy the company has made it, and the company loves to keep its customers happy. You can see instant results on your screen regarding what kind of warranty you have and how long it is good for. People seem to really appreciate this, and it has made life a bit easier for those who just want to check on the warranty of their Dell products without having to go through each one individually. The company has set up a website where you can go and plug in your service tag numbers to see what your warranty policy is for these various products. In fact, they have even updated the website enough to make it possible to check multiple service tags all at the same time. There are some pretty great and simple ways to check the warranty status of your Dell monitor.

How do I check my Dell monitor warranty?.